A Complete Guide to Prompt Engineering

  • 22nd Sep, 2023
  • Arjun S.
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A Complete Guide to Prompt Engineering

22nd Sep, 2023 | Arjun S.

  • Emerging Technologies
Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is a fast-emerging discipline of artificial intelligence that entails querying foundation models such as Large Language Models (LLMs) with the necessary inputs to get the intended outputs.

As the world realises the promise of LLMs and their applications, research in timely engineering has expanded tremendously in recent years.

In this blog post, we will explore the principles, techniques, and best practices for prompt engineering. We will discuss the various methods used in crafting prompts, interacting effectively with LLMs, and expanding their functionalities.

Additionally, we will delve into the future perspectives of prompt engineering and its potential impact on the field of AI.

What is Prompt Engineering?

The process of constructing and improving prompts or instructions to generate desired outputs from language models is referred to as prompt engineering.

A prompt is a set of initial input text that helps direct the model's creation of the following text when utilising a language model.

Prompt engineering entails creating these prompts in such a way that the language model produces correct, relevant, and coherent responses.

While the specific responsibilities of a prompt engineer may differ between organisations, the overarching purpose of a prompt engineer stays consistent: to improve machine-generated outcomes in a repeatable manner.

In layman's words, they are attempting to align AI behaviour with human intention.

With the growing use of large language models (LLMs) in a variety of areas, the art of prompt engineering has become increasingly important in guiding these models to generate accurate and relevant replies.

Why Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering is a critical component of developing AI chatbots that can better serve user demands. We can help users provide relevant information and achieve their goals more simply by designing and executing effective prompts.

Users may become confused or frustrated with the chatbot if relevant prompts are not utilised, and they may exit the conversation.

We can also improve the chatbot's overall user experience with prompt engineering. Users are less likely to be overwhelmed if difficult activities or inquiries are broken down into smaller, more manageable suggestions.

Using precise and simple wording in our instructions can also help to minimise ambiguity and misconceptions.

Finally, prompt engineering is concerned with creating chatbots that consumers find simple to use and effective in addressing their needs. We can improve the effectiveness and general quality of chatbots by putting in the effort to generate useful prompts.

Benefits of Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering provides numerous advantages that improve the effectiveness and efficiency of interactions with language models.

Users can unlock the full potential of these AI systems by deliberately creating prompts, resulting in more accurate, relevant, and desirable outputs. Here are some of the primary benefits of Prompt engineering:

1. Enhanced Precision and Pertinence

Through adept prompt refinement, enterprises can ensure that AI models yield outputs of heightened accuracy and relevance aligned with their specific objectives.

Meticulous prompt crafting empowers AI systems to grasp contextual subtleties, interpret data proficiently, and offer precise insights, thereby minimizing inaccuracies and optimizing outcomes.

2. Elevated Decision-Making

The prompt engineering process equips organizations to swiftly distill actionable insights from vast data reservoirs. By adeptly fine-tuning prompts, enterprises can extract pertinent information, make well-informed choices, and swiftly adapt to shifting market dynamics.

This capacity to harness AI-driven revelations empowers businesses to gain a competitive edge and propel strategic business expansion.

3. Tailored Customer Experiences

In the landscape of heightened competition, delivering exceptional customer interactions holds paramount importance. Prompt engineering empowers organizations to devise AI models that deliver personalized recommendations, customized responses, and seamless customer engagements.

Harnessing prompt engineering cultivates customer contentment, loyalty, and enduring relationships.

Prompt Engineering Techniques

The increasing adoption of foundation models and LLMs across a wide range of sectors and disciplines has resulted in a quick flood of approaches and best practices in the field of prompt engineering.

1. Zero-Shot Prompting

To accurately categorise sentiments in the context of sentiment analysis, you'd normally need to train a model on a collection of text examples labelled with their appropriate sentiment (neutral, negative, positive). You may, however, execute sentiment analysis without explicit training using zero-shot prompting.

Here's how it works using the example provided: Zero-Shot Prompting

In this scenario, notice that you didn't provide the model with any specific examples of text along with their corresponding sentiments. Instead, you simply instructed the model to classify the sentiment of the given text.

The magic happens because the model has learned from its extensive training data what sentiment analysis is and how different sentiments are expressed in text.

Since the model has learned patterns and associations between words and sentiments during its training, it can effectively identify keywords and phrases that indicate different sentiments.

In the given example, the model recognizes that the phrase "I think the dress is okay" doesn't contain strongly positive or negative language, leading it to classify the sentiment as "Neutral."

2. Few-Shot Prompting

Few-shot prompting is a natural language processing (NLP) technique that enables a language model to accomplish a given task with only a tiny amount of sample data.

It's a type of transfer learning in which the model learns to generalise from a small set of instances, enabling it to create coherent and meaningful responses.

The main idea is to provide the model a prompt, which is a small piece of input language that tells the model what task to execute. This prompt contains a few task-related examples, and the model then creates output based on those instances. The model should be able to recognise patterns in the examples and use them to produce responses to fresh inputs.

Here's an example of how few-shot prompting works: Few-Shot Prompting

New Input:

Few-Shot Prompting

In this case, the model has only seen a few samples of translations from English to French. However, from those samples, it has learned the patterns and structures, allowing it to provide an accurate translation for a new input sentence.

Few-shot prompting is effective because it enables the model to execute a variety of tasks without the need for considerable task-specific training data.

It uses the model's general language comprehension to adapt to specialised tasks with few examples. This method has been frequently utilized for jobs such as text production, translation, and question answering, among others.

3. Chain-of-Thought Prompting

Chain-of-Thought Prompting is a strategy that uses a sequence of interconnected questions to guide and structure the development of text or thoughts.

This strategy stimulates the development of a coherent stream of information, which builds on each subsequent prompt. It's especially excellent for brainstorming, creative writing, problem solving, and researching complex issues.

Here's how Chain-of-Thought Prompting works, using an example related to the topic of "climate change":

  • Prompt 1: Describe the current climate change scenario and its impacts on the environment.

  • Prompt 2 (based on the response to Prompt 1): Explore the factors contributing to the increased frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change.

  • Prompt 3 (based on the response to Prompt 2): Discuss potential solutions or strategies that governments are implementing to mitigate the effects of extreme weather events caused by climate change.

  • Prompt 4 (based on the response to Prompt 3): Analyze the role of international collaborations in addressing global climate change challenges and implementing sustainable solutions.

  • Prompt 5 (based on the response to Prompt 4): Reflect on the importance of individual actions in conjunction with government and international efforts to combat climate change.

In this example, each prompt builds upon the previous one, fostering a logical and interconnected flow of ideas. The generated content becomes a cohesive chain of thoughts, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of the chosen topic.

By utilizing Chain-of-Thought Prompting, writers, thinkers, and problem solvers can dive deeply into various aspects of a topic, uncovering insights, generating novel ideas, and structuring their thoughts in a way that flows naturally from one point to the next.

It's a powerful technique for both structured and creative thinking, enhancing the quality of generated content while maintaining focus and coherence.

4. Self-Consistency

The Self-Consistency Prompt Technique is a technique for guiding text or response production using language models.

Creating a logical context within a discussion or text, and then asking the model to continue generating content while sticking to that context, is the technique used in this technique. The key goal is to urge the model to be consistent and coherent in its replies.

Here's an example of how the Self-Consistency Prompt Technique works:

Imagine you are having a conversation with an AI language model about your favorite book, "The Enchanted Forest Chronicles."

prompt 5

In this AI response, the model has continued the conversation by providing a detailed and coherent description of the main character, Princess Cimorene. It maintains the context you established and demonstrates an understanding of the book's themes, character, and narrative style.

The AI-generated responses are kept on track and consistent with the initial context thanks to the Self-Consistency Prompt Technique. It aids in keeping the model on topic and generating replies that are consistent with the defined context.

Remember that, while this strategy can be useful, the quality of the AI's responses is still dependent on the training data and the language model being used.

5. Generated Knowledge Prompting

Generated Knowledge Prompting is a strategy for improving the quality and accuracy of responses provided by language models. It entails feeding the model a specific source of information or expertise, which it can then utilise to generate more informed and contextually appropriate content.

This strategy is especially beneficial when you want the model to produce data that is consistent with a given domain or set of facts.

Generated Knowledge Prompting

Source: Generated Knowledge Prompting

Here's an example to illustrate how Generated Knowledge Prompting works:

Imagine you're using a language model to generate ad copy for Nike shoe. Without any additional context or knowledge, the model might provide a general response based on its training data.

However, if you want the description to be more accurate and factually correct, you can use Generated Knowledge Prompting.

Standard Prompt (without Generated Knowledge):

Prompt 1

Generated Knowledge Prompting (with Knowledge Reference):

Prompt 2

While Generated Knowledge Prompting can improve response accuracy, it does not guarantee that the model's answers will always be entirely accurate. The model's responses continue to be based on patterns learnt from training data, which may contain errors or inaccuracies.

However, by employing this strategy, you can considerably increase your odds of acquiring trustworthy information.

6. Tree of Thoughts (ToT)

The Tree of Thoughts (ToT) language concept enables for complicated issue solving. It employs a tree structure to record coherent linguistic sequences known as ideas, which act as intermediate steps towards problem resolution.

This method allows language models to assess their development and produce new ideas through a reasoning process. Search techniques such as breadth-first and depth-first search are then employed to assist systematic thought exploration via lookahead and backtracking.

To use the ToT framework, different tasks require specifying the number of candidates and the number of thoughts or steps. For instance, in the mathematical reasoning task of the Game of 24, thoughts are decomposed into 3 steps, each involving an intermediate equation. At each step, the top 5 candidates are retained.

In the ToT framework, a Breadth-First Search (BFS) is performed for the Game of 24 task. The language model is prompted to evaluate each thought candidate as "sure/maybe/impossible" in terms of reaching a solution of 24.

By promoting correct partial solutions that can be verified within a few lookahead trials and eliminating impossible partial solutions based on commonsense reasoning, the ToT framework enhances the language model's problem-solving capabilities.

The main advantage of the ToT framework is its ability to outperform other prompting methods for complex problem solving. Additionally, the ToT framework allows for adaptability and learning through reinforcement learning, enabling the system to continue evolving and learning new knowledge.

Tree-of-Thought Prompting applies the main concept of the ToT framework as a simple prompting technique. It involves getting the language model to evaluate intermediate thoughts in a single prompt. This allows for a simplified implementation of the ToT framework and can be used in various applications.

Here's an example of a Tree-of-Thought (ToT) prompt:

Prompt 3

By using the ToT prompt technique, language models can effectively generate coherent intermediate thoughts and explore different paths towards solving complex problems.

7. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that addresses knowledge-intensive tasks. It combines an information retrieval component with a text generation model. The goal of RAG is to utilize external knowledge sources in order to enhance the generation capabilities of language models.

Traditionally, language models are trained based on point-in-time data to perform specific tasks and adapt to desired domains. However, RAG allows for the utilization of additional knowledge from external sources to generate more informed and accurate responses.

One way RAG can be used is by fine-tuning the language model with an information retrieval component that retrieves relevant information from a knowledge base. This retrieval component can be queried to retrieve relevant information during the generation process, which in turn enhances the quality and accuracy of the generated output.

RAG has been applied to various tasks, including question-answering, dialogue systems, and content generation. By combining the power of both information retrieval and text generation, RAG enables language models to generate responses that are not only based on learned patterns but also on factual information retrieved from external sources.

Overall, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that augments the generation capabilities of language models by incorporating an information retrieval component. By combining the retrieval of external knowledge with the generation process, RAG allows language models to generate more accurate and knowledgeable responses.

Retrieval Augmented Generation

Source: Retrieval Augmented Generation

Basic Prompts and Prompt Formatting

Basic prompts are essential for efficient prompt engineering. These prompts serve as the foundation of a dialogue with a chatbot, giving users with clear instructions and directing them towards delivering the required information.

Basic prompts are simple questions or comments that ask the user to perform a specified action or provide specific information.

While it's true that there is no such thing as a perfect prompt, we can leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to improve its effectiveness. Let's explore this further through an example. This includes five essential ingredients: context, specific goal, format, breakdown of tasks, and examples.

Suppose you are developing a language model that can generate product descriptions for an e-commerce platform. Your specific goal is to ensure that the model generates accurate and compelling descriptions that help customers make informed purchasing decisions.


To set the scene and provide relevant information to guide the language model, begin the prompt with a description of the product category, such as "men's shoes" or "women's dresses." You can also provide relevant information about the product's features, such as its brand, material, size, and color.

Example: Write a compelling product description for a pair of men's leather dress shoes.

Prompt 4

Specific Goal

Clearly define the objective or desired outcome of the prompt. In this case, the specific goal is to generate an engaging product description that highlights the shoes' unique features and benefits.

Example: Your task is to write a product description that describes the shoes' aesthetics, comfort, and durability and captures the attention of potential buyers.

Prompt 5


Specify the response's desired format or structure. In this example, the prompt may require a brief paragraph that describes the product's features and benefits.

Example: Write a paragraph of 100-150 words that describes the product's features and benefits in an engaging and informative manner.

Prompt 6

Breakdown of Tasks

Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable sub-tasks. To achieve your specific goal, you can divide the prompt into sub-tasks that focus on different product features, such as its material, design, and comfort.

Example 1: Write a brief introduction that captures the shoes' unique style and quality. Then, write a second paragraph that describes the shoes' materials and construction, followed by a third paragraph that focuses on the shoes' comfort and support.

Prompt 7

Example 2: Provide illustrative examples to guide the model's understanding and output. In this example, you can include a few descriptive phrases to model what you're looking for in the output.

Prompt 8

Example 3: Mention how the shoes' leather upper is soft and pliable, yet durable and capable of withstanding daily wear and tear. Highlight the padded insole that molds to the feet for enhanced comfort and support, and emphasize how the shoes' classic design makes them ideal for a wide range of occasions.

Prompt 9

By incorporating these, you can create an effective and comprehensive prompt that guides the AI language model to generate an engaging and informative product description. Through careful crafting of prompts, developers can customize the language model's behavior and improve its performance.


Prompt engineering is a dynamic and quickly expanding discipline that has the potential to affect the future of artificial intelligence.

Prompt engineering, with its capacity to fine-tune language models and adjust their responses to specific requirements, has the potential to push the boundaries of AI applications in a variety of disciplines.

As dataset quantities, computer power, and the sophistication of language models increase, the value of prompt engineering as a skill set and research topic grows.

Finally, prompt engineering has the potential to transform how we interact with AI systems by enabling more context-aware, adaptive, and intelligent applications. Its ongoing development will aid in the creation of ethical, transparent, and accountable AI systems that help society in a variety of sectors.

As such, prompt engineering is an important part of modern AI development that has the potential to open up new avenues for AI applications in the coming years.

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